Offer Upgrade 5 Day Workshop

Transform Your Offers into "Hell Yes" Offers in Just 5 Days!

Struggling to get clients excited about your current offer? Tired of low conversions, pricing objections, and feeling like your offer just isn't standing out?

You’ve worked hard to create something great, but let’s be real—good isn’t good enough anymore.

In today’s saturated market, you need an offer that does more than just solve a problem — you need an offer that makes clients shout,

“Hell YES!” the moment they see it.

Introducing the 5-Day “Upgrade Your Offer” Workshop

In just 5 days, I’ll show you how to transform your current offer into an irresistible premium package that clients want and need — an offer so good, they’ll feel like they’re getting a steal.

This isn’t about reinventing the wheel—it’s about making small, strategic upgrades that drastically increase the perceived value of your offer.

PLUS: During the 5 Days you will do the work LIVE with my coaching & guidance!

Here’s What We’ll Cover....

Day 1: Outlining & Elevating Your Program

  • What makes a "Hell Yes" offer?

  • We’ll break down your current offer and elevate it, ensuring it speaks to the right audience and delivers the results they crave.

  • Identify your ideal client and the exact problem your offer solves.

  • Name or rename your offer to make it clear, compelling, and impossible to ignore.

Day 2: Problem-Solution Mapping

  • Strategically position your bonuses to make your offer stand out as the solution to your clients’ biggest problems.

  • Learn the art of creating irresistible bonuses that solve additional pain points your clients didn’t even know they had.

  • Map out problems and solutions to build a high-value offer that feels like a no-brainer.

Day 3: Crafting Your Ultimate Bonus Bundle

  • Choose and name your top 3-5 bonuses that add massive value and directly address your clients’ needs.

  • Create your Fast Action Bonus, an essential component to drive urgency and sales.

  • Bundle everything together into a compelling offer ready to be sold.

Day 4: High-Profit Pricing Strategy

  • Set a premium price that reflects the true value and transformation your offer provides.

  • Create flexible payment options that make it easier for clients to say yes without lowering the perceived value.

  • Use price anchoring to showcase the total value of your offer and make your price feel like a steal.

Day 5: Selling Your Premium Offer

  • Craft a magnetic marketing message that highlights the transformation your clients will experience.

  • Learn the #1 sales strategy for premium offers — the one-to-many sales method — so you can sell to groups without wasting time in endless DMs or sales calls.

  • Build trust and remove sales resistance by using testimonials, guarantees, and proof points.

What You’ll Get Access To...

  • Live, interactive sessions every day for 5 days, where you’ll get step-by-step guidance and real-time feedback. This is me doing it with you! NO HOMEWORK!!

  • Templates and frameworks to refine your offer, bonuses, pricing, and sales strategy.

  • Lessons in powerful AI tools like ChatGPT and Gamma to help you generate ideas, structure your offer, and streamline the entire process.

  • Lifetime Growthworks software access to map out your offer and create assets. (Value $1997)

  • Bonus Q&A time each day to make sure you leave with a complete, upgraded offer that’s ready to sell.

What This Workshop Will Do For You

Take your existing offer and turn it into a high-ticket, irresistible package that clients are eager to buy. Charge premium prices while delivering more value, without adding more work for yourself. Sell with confidence, knowing you’re offering the best possible solution for your ideal clients.Increase your conversions and sales by using strategic bonuses and pricing that make your offer stand out.

This Workshop is Perfect For You If…

You have an existing offer but feel like it’s not reaching its full potential.

You’re ready to start charging premium prices for the value you deliver.

You want to learn how to add bonuses, increase value, and sell more effectively—without working harder.

You’re tired of hearing “no” and want to create offers that get instant “Hell Yes” reactions.

Ready to Upgrade Your Offer?

Join the 5-Day “Upgrade Your Offer” Workshop Today! $297

Transform your offer into a premium, irresistible program that clients can’t say no to.

Plus have the skills and tools to do it on repeat!

BONUS: All the Prompts to Create Offers!

Why Should You Listen to Me?

After creating over 600 offers for clients and myself, I’ve learned a thing or two (hundred) about what makes an offer irresistible.

Over the last 35 years as an entrepreneur, I’ve been fortunate to learn from the best in the industry—people like Todd Brown, Aaron Fletcher, Taki Moore, Ryan Levesque, and Daniel Priestly. These experts have shaped the way I approach offer creation, and I’ve refined it into a process that actually works.

My success isn’t just based on theory—I’ve built and sold multiple businesses, grown 4 networks of highly valued connections, and engaged an email list full of loyal subscribers.

But here’s the kicker: 95% of my clients come from referrals

Why? Because I deliver real results through the offers I create—offers that are so valuable, people can’t help but share them.

I’ve helped countless entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants transform their offers, increase their prices, and attract more high-paying clients. I know what works, and more importantly, I know what doesn’t. So, if you’re ready to stop guessing and start creating offers that sell like crazy, you’re in the right place.


VIP Group Coaching Upgrade

Unlock the Secret to Attracting High-Value Clients

Ready to level up your business and attract high-paying clients?

For just $197, you can dive deep into your offer and problem/solution frameworks created during the 5 day workshop and learn how to build a thriving business by serving first, building authentic relationships, and closing deals without marketing gimmicks!


In this 4-hour coaching intensive, you’ll discover:

How to Attract & Engage Premium Clients without Chasing Leads or using Funnels.

The Art of Enrollment Conversations that Naturally Convert.

Complimentary Sessions that Deliver Value.

Master the Flip to a Sales Conversation from any Casual Conversation.

How to Discuss Pricing Authentically & Have Less Objections.

Proven strategies to charge premium fees confidently, knowing you’re delivering transformative value.

This is a one-time offer to add this coaching to your purchase.

Don’t miss out on the exact methods I use to build relationships that advance any business and that coaches I mentor use to build 6- and 7-figure practices!
